Thursday, 18 September 2008

Stamps from Canada

Stamps from USA

Stamps from Malta

Stamps from Nigeria

Stamps from South Africa

Stamps from New Zealand

Stamps from Australia


Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

Le Pont de la Concorde - La Chambre des Deputes

Printed on reverse of postcard;
Rom. Arkaden um 1320

Player's Cigarette Cards

Animals of the Countryside Series

Nos. 43 - Adder or Viper (top left)
45 - Palmate Newt (top right)
44 - Common or Smooth Newt (bottom left)
46 - Crested Newt (bottom right)

Animals of the Countryside Series

Nos. 48 - Edible Frog (top)
50 - Natterjack Toad (middle)
49 - Common Toad (bottom)

Animals of the Countryside Series

Nos. 39 - Sand Lizard (top left)
38 - Slow Worm (top right)
40 - Common Lizard (bottom left)
41 - Grass Snake (bottom right)