Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Real Photograph Postcard

General View, Stratford on Avon

Real Photograph Postcard Combe Martin

Posted in Dorchester 28th September 1913

Posted 22nd August 1917


Stamps from Canada

15c Stamps from USA

Stamps from Hong Kong

Player's Cigarette Cards

Wild Bird Series
Nos. 33 - Sandpiper and Eggs (top)
32 - The Robin (middle left)
34 - Red-Backed Shrike and Young (middle right)
35 - Sparrow-Hawk and Young (bottom)

Wild Bird Series
Nos. 29 - The Ringed Plover (top)
28 - Little Owl Asleep (left)
31 - The Raven (right)

Animals of the Countryside Series
Nos. 35 - Red Deer (left)
36 - Fallow Deer (middle)
37 - Roe Deer (right)

Postcard of Snowdon 1994


Stamps from Australia

Stamps from Canada

Stamps from Canada

Spanish Una Peseta 1975


Irish 5p 1986


British 1976 10 Pence
